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Better Proactive Care for Everyone

Hippo Recaller helps you automate recall processes, boost target achievement and gives you more time to focus on caring for patients

Speedy & Secure

Flexible & Customisable

Easy to use for everyone

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Proactive care is key to good patient outcomes. Hippo Recaller changes the game.

The NHS is under higher pressures and demands than ever before. Proactive care is about keeping people well and if done properly, can help GP practices reduce workload and improve patient outcomes. However, current systems are inefficient mean that most GPs simply can't dedicate enough time to this important work...


What Hippo Recaller Does

We help streamline and automate proactive care processes so that the systems get out of your way and you can focus on caring for patients.   

Analyses Patients & Targets

We automatically analyse patients across all QOF / other targets and work out exactly what needs to be done, when it needs to be done and which clinician is best placed to help.

Automated Patient Invites

We invite patients automatically using texts and emails to get as many patients into the practice for their appointments without manual intervention.

Patient focused recall platform

We surface all the remaining patients for manual call/recall to ensure that no patients are left behind. You'll see all a patients' care needs on one page to help you make sure every contact counts!

All-in One Solution

Our modern, web-based system includes full analytics and dashboarding to see your progress, and fully customisable settings so the practice remains in control at all times.

Built for the NHS, by NHS specialists

Our team has years of experience working in the NHS and we work solely with NHS GP Practices. We're technically savvy and we understand the pressures that GPs face - we're building tools to help primary care focus on caring.

Quick to setup

Secure by design

Personal support 

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Trusted By Practices

We're already working with NHS GP Practices - our platform is helping practices bring better proactive care to over 100k patients. We're also part of the DigitalHealth.London Accelerator to bring the Hippo Recaller to a wider audience.


Secure By Default


The platform is designed with security at the forefront. We maintain strict rules around access and we use modern, security best practices to ensure that patient data is kept securely and safely.


We're registered with NHS Digital and have met the DSPT and Cyber Essentials Plus certification.


Furthermore we have undertaken a full cloud cyber security review and achieved best in class results. 

What People Say

"The Hippo Recaller has changed how our teams think about targets and proactive care - what used to be a painful, never-ending process is now quick and simple!"

Sunil, Managing Partner

"I found the Hippo Platform really easy to use... it is so much better than all the recall sheets... I am very impressed and it simplifies everything which is a bonus"

Anne, Receptionist

“The team set us up within a few minutes and we realised that we'd been living in the dark ages with our EMIS Searches and manual recall lists - thanks Team!”

Kunle, PCN Manager

Want to learn more? Book in now for a demo.

To learn more about our Hippo Recaller and get your practice or PCN set up with us, please book in a demo on the right. Alternatively, you can join our waitlist below!

Get ready to hit your targets and improve your quality of care without breaking a sweat

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