That was summer! I hope everybody had a great time and managed to get some sun in before autumn hits properly. For us at Hippo Labs, the beginning of flu season signifies the busier part of the year. Last year was our first year helping practices improve their flu recall. Every practice we worked with had both increased uptake in flu vaccination and finished their flu campaign quicker and with significantly less work than before. We’re excited to do it again!
But how did we do it? Automation is the natural next step in the current patient recall processes. No more running searches, downloading lists, uploading files, composing messages… This arduous process has been replaced with just a few clicks on the platform and the whole flu season is done. Your patients get sent a relevant appointment booking link. You just watch the numbers go up.
Why does our system work better than batch messaging? We message through a variety of mediums, with messages spaced out over a couple of weeks. From our data, we know that WhatsApp was the most successful messaging medium last year, but the real winner was multiple messages and constant nudges which saw uptake from automated messages that practices haven’t seen before!
We know messaging isn’t for everyone. There are always some patients who would rather have a phone call, or have questions about vaccinations and immunisations. For patients who need more information, we have a dedicated and highly experienced call team, who can manage the whole call list.
It still isn’t too late if you want some help with your flu recall (or any other parts of the recall), or if you just want to chat about anything please send us a message at
Good luck and
Keep recalling